Maybe I’m sleepy .. 

It’s really crazy how our generation “dates”. It’s a little awkward for me because I’m soft and romantic when I feel emotions for someone. Don’t get me wrong, I’m really good at playing hard to get and not showing that I care, but it’s tiring.. Why should I have to think about when to text you if I honestly just miss you? Why should I have to wait to tell you that I would like to be in a relationship? Why do I have to tell myself that it’s too good to be true EVERY time I meet someone because society doesn’t want me to be in love? No one wants to be in love nowadays… WHY!? 

I really just want to be happy with someone and be corny, make love because it’s 2 p.m and you did that thing I like that you do, or just be able to tell the world that I’m in love with my best friend. That’s what I want. I’ve been “settling” for this “let’s make a bond and never be official” shit. I’m too good for it and I’m too beautiful. Inside and out. 

I have been writing a lot about love and I guess maybe cause I am ready for it. I’m curious to explore it as a more mature female. I’m more of a woman now. Time to meet my man.

I just might be thinking too hard about this right now , but I’m sure I’m on the right track. Hmmm … I’ll explore more of this later. Time to sleep. 
Peace. Love. And Faith 🌙 night/morning, yall.

2 thoughts on “Maybe I’m sleepy .. 

  1. Jacksonville says:

    That’s dope and deep. Your an awesome amazing gorgeous educated bright list goes on. I agree on multiple of things you said. If distance wasn’t such a factor. I’d change your last name!!! Guaranteed


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